Create a New Repository on GitHub and add a new File

  • Estimate Completion Time
    not found 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Level:

Step 1 - Create a New Repository on GitHub.

Step 2 - Create a new file or document on GitHub and commit it to the main branch.

Note- Write commit messages and descriptions to every commit you made to tell the collaborators about the files added/uploaded, updated, or deleted.


Step 1 Create a New Repository on GitHub.

  • Log in to your GitHub Account at If you don’t have an account, then Sign up on GitHub first.
  • Click on the “+” icon at the top right and select “New repository”. A repository contains all of your project's files, revision history, and collaborator discussion.
    Github Exercise - Create a New Repository
  • Fill out the repository name, description, and you can choose Private or Public.
    Github Exercise - Create a New Repository Github Exercise - Create a New Repository
  • Choose to initialize the repository with a README file.
  • Click on “Create repository”. Your repository will be created and a dashboard will appear.

Step 2 - Create a new file or document on GitHub and commit it to the main branch.

  • In your newly created repository, click on the “Add file” drop-down then click on “Create new file”.
    Github Exercise - Create a New file Github Exercise - Create a New file
  • An editor is provided to write content. Write the name of the file and enter the file content in the editor provided. Once done, click on Commit Changes in the top-right corner.
    Github Exercise - Create a New file
  • In the “Commit changes” section, add your commit message such as “Created three test cases documents to the project” or “Creating my First file”. You can also add a description.
    Github Exercise - Create a New file
  • Make sure “Commit directly to the main branch” is selected. Click on “Commit changes”.
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