What is the salary structure of AI Engineer according to different countries?
The AI Engineer’s profile is the most lucrative and fascinating career among other IT jobs all over the world. In this current scenario, for the leading companies of IT, AI approaches matters the most.
As per the Glassdoor report, the average salary in any country is approximately $100,121. The minimum average salary is $70,000 and the high salary is $149,000.
Scope of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer
AI Engineers create and deploy machine learning algorithms, and processes concerned with the automation of intelligent behavior, and bring impact to technical advancements through software design, machine learning and data science.
All industries are heavily affected by the AI revolution and AI engineers have an edge over the other jobs. The benefits to reduce error and increased automation open options to a high-salary package for an entry-level to executive level. It is predicted that the AI job market will expand to more than 3 million jobs.
AI Engineer’s Salaries Based on Different Levels
Salary packages are depending on the experience, skills, job type, and company. Same as the average salary of other enter-level job profiles like Software Engineer, Software Architect, etc., is comparatively lesser than the person who is senior.
Salaries by experience level on Glassdoor
1. Entry-Level AI Engineer Salary
Professionals with 0-2 years of experience in IT and along with AI certification can expect an average base salary of $57,000. The annual entry-level of AI engineer salary varies from $53,579 to $1, 00,000.
2. Mid-Level AI Engineer Salary
AI or Machine Learning Engineers with 3 to 8 years of experience can expect to get an average base salary of $120,000. An average base salary of a mid-level AI Engineer is from $86,000 to $150,580 or more.
3. Senior AI Engineer Salary
The professionals, who have 10 years of experience in the field of AI, can expect an average base salary of $1, 47,518. Salary estimates are based on the location and are in demand in the fields of automobile, banking and finance, e-commerce, healthcare, and others.

The world has changed much after the entry of Artificial Intelligence into our daily lives. Salaries for the AI field will keep booming as the current and future trends rely on AI and machine learning.
If you are looking forward to pursuing a career in AI field, and wants to do an online AI or Machine Learning training course from a academy, which provides globalized reorganization or global level curriculum.