What is the future demand of an Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence is completely changing our lives, because of which future of humanity across the global industries. It is the main driver, which is used for emerging technologies like big data and robotics. In our daily lives we are using AI without even realizing, because the applications like Spotify, Siri, Google Maps, YouTube all of these are running under AI functioning.
There is a no doubt that AI is one of the most popular technologies of today’s world. I will explain all the statistics of AI below along with current and upcoming trends.
Artificial Intelligence Market Size
Future growth in terms of Market Worth
Current AI Market Worth: $136.6 billions
Future AI Market worth (till 2030): $1.81 trillion
Source: GrandViewResearch
According to the latest 2023 data, the global AI market is worth $136.6 billion. The current AI market size is growing by 13x in the next decade.
Artificial Intelligence Software Market’s Revenue
Future growth in terms of Software Market’s Revenue
Current AI Software Market’s Revenue: $50 billions
Future AI Software Market’s Revenue (till 2025): $126 billion
Source: Omdia
As artificial intelligence improves and becomes more widely accessible, AI spending is increasing across many different industries.
Artificial Intelligence Growth at CAGR
Future growth in terms of Growth at CAGR
Current AI Growth at CAGR: 40%
Future AI Growth atCAGR (till 2030): 38.1%
Source: Grand View Research
In fact, global AI adoption by organizations is set to expand at a CAGR of 38.1% between the years 2022 to 2030.
Artificial Intelligence Growth in Businesses
Future growth in terms of Growth in Businesses
Current AI Growth in Businesses: $62.5 billions
Future AI Growth in Businesses (till 2025): $126 billion
Source: IDC, Omdia
In current year, the market is expected to grow to $62.5 billion and by 2025, it is forecast to reach $126 billion of annual revenue.
Artificial Intelligence Software Market Growth
Future growth in terms of Software Market Growth
Current AI Software Market Growth: 38%
Future AI Software MarketGrowth (till 2025): 26%
Source: Tractica
The latest available data predicts that AI will increase by at least 26% each year until 2025.
Artificial Intelligence Voice Assistants
Future growth in terms of Voice Assistants
Current AI Voice Assistants Growth: $4 billions
Future AI Voice Assistants Growth (till 2024): $8.4 billions
Source: BusinessWire
Chatbots may still need improvements in natural language processing before consumers are on board. But voice assistants are a prime example of AI merging seamlessly with everyday life.
Artificial Intelligence is expected to boost the overall economic output rate within the next four-decade. Many of the industries are searching for expert AI Engineers, so number of students is doing online AI & Machine learning training course for learning AI. An opportunity in AI generates the new value and new roles for individuals, who help in business growth.