What is the salary structure of Business Analyst according to different countries?

Business analyst salary is determined by various factors such as location, qualification, skill set, experience level, and job specialization. Many prominent analytics companies specializing in Risk and Market Analytics profiles usually tend to pay higher at entry-level. Even though many consulting and services firms might pay you low, but offers a lucrative bonus at the end of the year.

While offering salary packages the things that need to be considered are; age, education, experience, salary, development, certification, business analysis maturity level, agile approaches, digital transformation, and cyber security. It reported that there had been an active growth in agile, product ownership, data analytics, digital, cyber security, and other areas of work that come under the practice of business analysis.

There are number of career opportunities in a business analyst profile, with some major specializations like data analyst, information security, IT, quantitative analysis. Hence, Business Analyst’s have a lot of employment options and this makes the business analyst is the one of the most sought-after jobs.

Almost 80% of the global survey respondents worked in the private sector, while others were divided among education, government, and non-profit organizations. Top organizations that hired business analysts were IT, healthcare, banking, and transportation, with all these sectors providing a global pay average of $82,100.

Business Analyst’s Average Salary Based on Experience Level

  • Fresher Level: $40,000 to $70,000
  • Mediator Level: $55,000 to $95,000
  • Experienced: $70,000 – $150,000

The average salary of Business Analyst’s by countries

Firstly, we need to know about the future of business analysts and for that we need to understand that how business analysts contribute to business and economic growth. As in today’s world every human relies on technology to make our lives easier, the need for more complex systems keeps increasing. We are in a technologically driven age, where all the businesses rely on ever-changing industry trends and need Business analyst’s to simplify making recurring decisions.


I drive above mentioned information about average salary of business analyst from Salary Expert.

Business analyst is a techno-functional job, meaning there are always new business functionalities being learned along with the projects you are working on, making career progression in the field extremely easy compared to other technical jobs like IT or software development .

Now-a-days numerous online business analysis training course are available for students, which provide knowledge and skills along with the certification. Furthermore, a Business Analyst profile requires soft skills and a conscious reciprocation to the business needs in the market, so it has no threat from technological advancement.

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