Write a Java program to print employee information (Name, ID, Department) using the Java Method

  • Estimate Completion Time
    not found 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Level:


public class Employee {
String empname;
int empid;
String department;

public void printInfo() 
	System.out.println("Employee Name: " + empname);
	System.out.println("Employee ID: " + empid);
	System.out.println("Employee Department: " + department);

public static void main(String[] args) 
Employee emp1 = new Employee ();
		emp1.empname = "John";
		emp1.empid = 54;
		emp1.department = "Management";
Employee Name: John
Employee ID: 54
Employee Department: Management


  • Create a simple Java class “Employee” with three properties “empname”, “empid” and “department”.
  • A method “printInfo” is created which displays the employee’s information.
  • In the “main” method, an instance “emp1” of “Employee” class is created which sets the value to its properties and calls the method “printInfo” to print the details.
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